AT THE OFFICE: Margaret joined HDLA in 2022 after graduating from the University of Georgia's College of Environment and Design, receiving her Bachelor's Degree in Landscape Architecture. Her eye for design started from a young age -- she could always be found building her dream house with a mess of cardboard and hot glue. Margaret has a deep appreciation for design, community and the environment and found that landscape architecture was the perfect solution to work with each of her passions.

OUTSIDE THE OFFICE: In her free time you can almost always find Margaret outside floating a river, picnicking with friends, camping, hiking or hammocking. She also loves almost every genre of music and will sniff out any concert within a 30 mile radius.


University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, 2022

Office: 615.327.4447 Ext: 116
Direct: 615.933.7737